Digital Marketing

The Secret to Great Results is all in the Planning


The Digital Journey Breakdown


1. Competitor Review

First we take a look at the metadata strategies that your competitors are using to bring traffic to their site.

2. Keyword Comparison

We do a comparison of the major industry keywords to see how people are searching for things, and where.

3. SEO Strategy

We put together a comprehensive metadata and SEO strategy to be implemented on your website.

4. Marketing Strategy

An integrated digital strategy will give you a foundation for all the key online marketing activities.

5. Digital Reporting

Track and measure the user journey and business metrics to report on successes and opportunities.



Digital Analytics & Reporting

People go on digital journeys every day, these human stories and experiences combine with others to form patterns of behaviour. Our team analyses relevant data to capture these patterns and stories. A perfect digital strategy relies on this data to drive it forward. Let us unlock the insight hidden in your website analytics data so you can stay relevant to your audience and ahead of your competition.

NSM Dynamics provides expert consultancy and services to give you the insight of analysis your business needs to succeed. We analyse media channels as well as site data to help make informed strategic decisions and ultimately provide accurate data on return on investment.



Search Engine Optimisation

Improve your Google ranking, drive traffic to your site and increase brand awareness. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and works on optimising your web page and increasing your business’s organic position on Google. We can help you improve your overall search engine visibility and ranking to bring more traffic to your web or mobile site.

NSM Dynamics are experts in digital platform optimisation, using a data driven approach to solve your business challenges. Maximise your business’s online marketing to increase high quality visitors to your site and connect with customers when they are looking for you.



Digital Marketing Strategy

An integrated digital strategy will give you a foundation for all the key online marketing activities.

We use a data-driven approach to review your current digital marketing effectiveness, customize analytics, set up KPI dashboards and SMART objectives create a strategy of prioritized improvements to how you deploy digital marketing media, technology and data to increase leads and sales.

Our digital strategy will cover the following areas:

●Evaluation of target market

●Growth opportunities

●Value matrix and messaging

●Channel strategy for Social

●Content marketing approach

●Digital audit